100 Grams of All World Off Paper Kiloware Stamp Mixture

On the back of our popular British Commonwealth kiloware stamp mixtures we are now offering, for a limited period only, our all World mixes which will give you 1000 clean off paper stamps from all around the World

These all World packets are all off paper and contain approximately 1500 stamps weighing 100 grams. However, because Kiloware inevitably contains some folded and damaged stamps, we claim you will get, once you have sorted them, 1000 clean off paper stamps

We work on the industry standard basis that 1KG should average out at 15,000 Stamps though the actual amount can vary by as much as 33% either way

We hold a large amount of stock and every bag is different. 

What will your receive for your £10?

Well, you are probably not going to get a bag full of Brazilian Bulls Eyes!

What we do claim is that for only £10, including postage, you will receive an excellent clean off paper mixture that should provide hours or sorting pleasure, and perhaps, just perhaps, that elusive "find"

We hold a large amount of stock and no two lots are the same, but there will be some degree of duplication in each bag and from one bag to another

Kiloware mixes are a great way to start a stamp collection

Once each packet is sorted you can set about learning about the stamp, its country, geography and history, making stamp collecting educational and entertaining and the perfect way to spend time with the children with hours of sorting during self-isolation

Type Collection

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